目前分類:Dances Taught in Oct/2018 (4)

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Globetrottin' (Daniel,Fred,Simon),Secrets We Keep(Guillaume,Niels,Shane).

Reviews:Back In Town,Change Your Mind.

Playlist:Bardot Blues,Blaze of Glory,The Bounce,Coochie Bang Bang,Dem Dey Go,Don't Say You Love Me,Gypsy In The Night,Just Drunk Enough,Just Got Paid,Lady In Red,Leave Me Breathless,Make No Promises,Perfect,Second Time Around,Watch The Tempo,You Deserve Better.

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Back In Town(Jo,Joey,Scott),Change Your Mind(Debbie,Joey).

Reviews: Bardot Blues, The Bounce.

Beautiful Flames, Blaze of Glory, Blue Ain't Your Color, Cheri Cheri Lady, Come Alive, Consequences, Coochie Bang Bang, Dem Dey Go, Don't Say You Love Me, Just Drunk Enough, Just Got Paid, Leave Me Breathless, Lost In Love, Make No Promises, Make Ya Move, Sleepwalk With Me. 共16首.   

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Bardot Blues (Simon Ward & Rachael McEnaney-White),  The Bounce (Scott Blevins and Jo Thompson Szymanski )

Reviews : Don't Say You Love Me, Just Got Pay

About Feeling, Arms of Love,Beautiful Flames,Blue Ain't Your Color, Cheri Cheri Lady,Dem Day Go, Fully Clothed, Make No Promises, Naked,Pink Hearts, Sanctify My Sins, Tightrope, Time To Surrender, Vanotek Cha,Whatever Happens, You Deserve Better.

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Don't Say You Love Me(Guillaume,Rebecca,Rhoda),Just Got Paid(MaggieG).

Reviews:Dem Dey Go,Make No Promises.

Playlist:Arms of Love,Bittersweet Memory,Bring Down the Rain,Buona Sera Senorita,Celtic Duo,Fully Clothed,Got Me Like,Heartbeat,Kiss of Heaven,Leave Me Breathless,Light A Candle,A Lover's Track,Mood Swing,Second Time Around,Sleepwalk with Me,Taps,Take Me To the Water,Tender Heart,Uphill Battle,When She Grows Up.

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