目前分類:Socials/Events (24)

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12/16/2023 (六) Xmas Social Party 12:00 準時開始



1.  Come Dance With Me  (Jo Thompson) (B)-Classic

2.  Memory (Irene Groundwater) (B)-Classic

3.  Storm and Stone (Maddison Glover) (Low-Intermediate)

4.  Waiting On You (Maggie Gallagher & Gary O’Reilly) (Adv.)

5.  Good Stuff (Scott Blevins) (intermediate)

6.  Danger Twins (Karl Harry Winson & Jaime Barnfield)(Low-Intermediate)

7.  All Shook Up (Dustin Betts)(Intermediate/Adv.)

8.  Glass Of Wine (Malene Jakobsen)(B)

9.  Move You (Simon Ward) (Adv.)

10. Our Own Party (Roy H., Shane McKeever & Jo Thompson Szymanski (Int.)

11. Syncopated Rhythm (Rob & Michelle Fowler) (Int.)-Classic

12. Telling On My Heart (Ria Vos) (Int.)

13. Effort (Cato Larsen) (Int.)

14. Country Nights (Maggie Gallagher & Gary O’Reilly) (HB)

15. Ghosted (Niels Poulsen) (Int.)

16. Run With Me (Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris) (Int.)

17. Favourite Kinda High(Maggie Gallagher) (Int.)

18. Around The Fire(Kate, Darren, Guillaume,Chrystel)(Int.)

19. My Broken Heart (Gary O’Reilly) (Int.)

20. Wild World (Madidison Glover (Int.)

21. Little Heartbreak (Jef Camps, Roy Verdonk) (HB)

22. Feel (Scott Blevins)-Classic

23. Everyone Needs A Hero (Roy, Grace & Jef) (Int.)

24. Life After Love (Jonno Liberman) (Int.)

25. Beautiful World (Fred Whitehouse) (Phrased Adv.)

26. Gave Me A Girl (Darren Bailey) (int.)

27. Fire On Up (Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever) (Phrased Adv.)

28. Love You Cha (Grace David)(B)

29. Especially for You (Simon  W., Niels P.) (Int./Adv.)

30. Curtain Falls (Guillaume Richard) (Adv.)

31. 3 Tequila Floor (Maddison Glover & Jo Thompson Szymanski)(Int.)

32. Drunk Text (Mark Furnell, Chris Godden) (Int.)

33. We Got This (Debbie, Guillaume, Darren, Jose) (Phrased Int.)

34. Levitating (Fiona & Roy) (Adv.)

35. Faithful Soul (Garry & Maggie) (int.)

36. Burning (Cato Larsen) (int./Adv.)-Classic

37. 拍團體照

38. Traveling Without Cigarettes (Sebastiaan Holtland)(B)

39. Snow Flake (Simon Ward)(B)

40. Old Bones (Hui Hua WuHsu)(Imp.)

41. Coming Unplugged (Patrick Fleming) (Int.)

42. The Snake 2.0 (Simon Ward & Dustin Betts) (Adv.)

43. Is This Love ? (Fred Whitehouse)(Adv.)

44. Let Me Love You (Master In Line)(Int./Adv.)-Classic

45. I Feel Phenomenal (Fiona, Roy, Tim) (Phrased Adv.)

46. Lifeline (Niels P)(Int./Adv.)

47. Whatever Happens (Liz Bogan & Ron Kline) (Int.)-Classic

48. Give Me Your Tempo (Nathan Gardiner)(Imp.)

49. The Sphinx (Siomn, Roy , Fiona, Rebecca)(Phrased Adv.)

50. Wicked Moves (Pim van Grootel)(Int.)

51. Light That Fire (Rachael & Shane)(Phrased Int./Adv.)

52. You’re Not The Boss Of Me !! (Simon, Niels) (Adv.)

53. Stomp Your  Boots Down (Guillaume R) (Phrased Adv.)

54. To Know Me (Alison & Peter Metelnick)) (Int/)

55. Impossible is Possible (Fred & Shane) (Int./Adv.)

56. Wait A Minute Mr Postman (Alison Johnstone) (B)

57. Heart Of The Darkness (Laura Gordon, Rachael) (Adv.)

58. Stuck On Repeat (Fred, Shane, Dust & Jean-Pierre)(Phrased Adv.)

59. Love With No Meaning (Ryan Hunt) (Int.)

60. Yo Quiero Bailar (I Want to Dance)(Gary Lafferty)(Imp.)

61. Evidemment (Mark & Chris) (Phrased Adv.)

62. Hurts My Soul (Niels P.) (Int.)

63. Can’t Catch Me (Tim Johnson, Jean-Pierre Madge)(Int.)

64. Soar (Laura Gordon) (Int.)

65. AC’s ABBA Remix(Alexis Strong, Caroline Cooper) (Imp.)

66. Self-Love (Simon Ward) (High Int.)

67. Strictly Unholy (Fiona Murray & Roy Hadisubroto) (Adv.)

68. Give Me Shivers (Brandon Zahorsky) (Imp.)

69. Standing With You Tonight (Niels P) (Phrased Adv.)

70. Limelight (Fred Whitehouse) (Adv.)

71. Go Getter (Jean-Pierre, Rebecca Lee) (Phrased Adv.)

72. 2B3 (Kate Sala, Guillaume Richard, Tiphannie Hansel) (Imp.)

73. Another One Bites The Dust (Ryan Hunt) (Int.)

74. Goodbye Cha (Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris) (Int.)-Classic

75. Perfect (Alison Johnstone & Joshua Talbot) (Int.)

76. Don’t Thing Twice (Mark Furnell & Chris Godden) (Int.)

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12/16/2013, X'mas Social Playlist-2

所有舞曲共75首, 播放順序12/09/2023公布.

Theme: RED,GREEN, WHITE......Colorful (Not enforced)

1.  Around the Fire(Kate,Darren, Guillaume, Chrystel)

2.  Come Dance With Me(Jo Thompson)(B)

3.  Coming Unplugged(Patrick D)

4.  Evidemment(Mark, Chris)

5.  Fire On Up (Fred W., Shane M.)

6.  Gave Me A Girl (Darren B.)

7.  Old Bones (Hui Hua WuHsu)(Imp)

8.  Our Own Party (Roy H., Shane M., Jo S.)

9.  Snowflake (Simon W)(B)

10. The Sphinx (Simon W., Roy H., Fiona M., Rebecca L)

11. To Know Me (Alison & Peter M)

12. We Got This (Debbie R.,Darren B., Jose V., Guillaume)

13. Whatever Happens (Liz B., Ron K.)

14. Wicked Moves (Pim G.)

15. Yo Quiero Bailar ("I Want to Dance") (Gary L.)(Imp)


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2023-11-27 我已經將大家的捐款匯入LDF指定銀行帳號。

Line Dance Fundation 今天在 Facebook 公布感謝捐款的貼文,感謝各位參與舞會的人,慷慨贊助LDF,連結如下:


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12/16/2023, Social Playlist - 1

1.  AC’s ABBA Remix (Alexis Strong , Caroline Cooper) (Imp)

2.  All Shook Up (Dustin Betts) (Int/Adv.)

3.  Another One Bites The Dust (Bryan Hunt)(Int.)

4.  Beautiful World (Fred Whitehouse)(Phrased Adv.)

5.  Burning (Cato Larsen)(Int/Adv.)

6.  Can’t Catch Me (Tim Johnson, Jean-Pierre Madge)(Int.)

7.  Country Nights (Maggie Gallagher, Gary O’Reilly) (HB)

8.  Curtain Falls (Guillaume Richard)(Adv.)

9.  Danger Twins (Karl-Harry Winston, Jamie Barnfield)(Low Int.)

10. Don’t Think Twice (Mark Furnell, Chris Godden)(Int.)

11. Drunk Text (Mark Furnell, Chris Godden)(Int.)

12. Effort (Cato Larsen)(Int.)

13. Especially For You (Simon Ward, Niels Poulsen)(Int/Adv.)

14. Everyone Needs A Hero (Roy Verdonk, Grace David & Jef Camps)(Int.)

15. Faithful Soul (Gary O’Reilly, Maggie Gallagher)(Int.)

16. Favourite Kind High (Maggie Gallagher)(Int.)

17. Feel (Scott Blevins)

18. Ghosted (Niels Poulsen)(Int.)

19. Give Me Your Tempo (Nathan Gardiner)(Imp)

20. Gives Me Shivers (Brandon Zahorsky)(Imp)

21. Glass Of Wine (Malene Jakobsen)(AB)

22. Go Getter (Jean-Pierre Madge, Rebecca Lee)(Phrased Adv.)

23. Good Stuff (Scott Blevins)(Int.)

24. Goodbye Cha (Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris)(Int.)

25. Heart Of The Darkness (Laura Gordon, Rachael McEnaney-White)(Adv.)

26. Hurts My Soul (Niels Poulsen)(Int.)

27. I Feel Phenomenal (Fiona Murray, Roy Hadisubroto, Tim Johnson)(Adv.)

28. Impossible Is Possible (Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever)(Int/Adv.)

29. Is This Love (Fred Whitehouse)(Adv.)

30. Let Me Love You (Masters In Line)(Int/Adv.)

31.  Levitating (Fionna Murray, Roy Hadisubroto)(Adv.)

32. Life After Love (Jonno Liberman)(Int.)

33. Lifeline (Niels Poulsen)(Int/Adv.)

34. Light That Fire (Rachael McEnaney-White, Shane McKeever)(Int/Adc.)

35. Limelight (Fred Whitehouse)(Adv.)

36. Little Heartbreak (Jef Camps, Roy Verdonk)(HB)

37. Love With No Meaning (Ryan Hunt)(int.)

38. Love You Cha (Grace David)(B)

39. Memory (Irene Groundwater)(B)

40. Move You (Simon Ward)(Adv.)

41. My Broken Heart (Gary O’Reilly)(Int.)

42. Perfect (Alison Johnstone,Joshua Talbot)(Int.)

43. Run With Me (Neville Fitzgerald, Julie Harris)(Int.)

44. Self-Love (Simon Ward)(High Int.)

45. The Snake 2.0 (Simon Ward, Dustin Betts)(Adv.)

46. Soar (Laura Gordon)(Int.)

47. Standing With You Tonight (Niels Poulsen)(Phrased Adv.)

48. Stomp Your Boots Down (Guillaume Richard)(Phrased Adv.)

49. Storm and Stone (Madidison Glover)(Low Int.)

50. Strictly Unholy (Fionna Murray, Roy Hadisubroto)(Adv.)

51. Stuck On Repeat (Fred Whitehouse, Shane McKeever)(Phrased Adv.)

52. Syncopated Rhythm (Rob & Michelle Fowler)(Int.)

53. Telling On My Heart (Ria Vos)(Int.)

54. Traveling Without Cigarettes (Sebastiaan Holtland) (B)

55. Wait A Minute Mr Postman (Alison Johnstone) (B)

56. Waiting On You (Gary O’Reilly, Maggie Gallagher)(Adv.)

57. Wild World (Maddison Glover)(Int.)

58. You’re Not The Boss Of Me (Simon Ward, Niels Poulsen)(Adv.)

59. 2B3 (Kate Sala, Guillaume Richard, Tiphanie Hansel) (Imp)

60. 3 Tequila Floor (Maddison Glover, Jo Thompson Szymanski)(Int.)

***以上總計3小時30分鐘, 只剩一個小時可以接受各位第二次的Request,  請於11/15/'23前告知, 11/30/'23公布.***





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1.Beautiful Madness 2.Change Your Mind 3.Faithfully 4.Little Things 5.I Held Your Hand 6.Let It Be 7.A Man Is In Love 8.Rainfall 9.Remember We Got Love 10.Take A Picture 11.Together But Apart 12.Turning Tables 13.Vanotek Cha 14.Wanna Know 15.We're Blood.

第4首 Feel The Heat 於6/15已經公佈了, 改為 Little Things (Debbie R.). Sorry !

加上6/15/'20公佈的70首共85首舞, 當天預留30分鐘現場點播, 希望大家有個快樂的時光!

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1.All Of Me 2.Back Again(RobbieH) 3.Better As One(Fred & Darren) 4.Blue Sky 5.Boots 6.Calm Down 7.Cherry On Top 8.Chicago Gold 9.Colorful 10.Coochie Bang Bang 11.Cooler Than Cool 12.Crystal Touch 13.Cuban Moon 14.Dare To Love(Gary & Maggie) 15.Do Si Do(RachaelW) 16.Do What I Do 17.Don't Think About You 18.Everybody Get Nuts(Cody,Roy & Fiona) 19.Extraordinary Waltz 20.Faithful Soul 21.Feel The Heat(Maddison,Jose & Roy) 22.Fire On Fire 23.Genetics 24.Goodbye Cha 25.Have Fun Go Mad 26.Head To Toes(Romain & Guillaume) 27.Hold Your Horses 28.Honestly 29.I Got You 30.Juicy Fruit 31.Keeping Me Alive (Rachael W) 32.La Bomba 33.Levitating(Roy & Fiona) 34.Life After Love(Jonno L) 35.Liverpool Fling 36.Love Never Felt So Good 37.Murder My Heart 38.Never Change You(Shane M) 39.Nobody(Jessica) 40.Nobody(Scott B) 41.Perfect 42.Pieces 43.Poetry In Motion 44.Rolling With Love 45.Say I Won't(Jose & Roy) 46.Secrets We Keep 47.Senorita La La La 48.Shot Of Tequila 49.Soul Shake 50.Southern Dreams 51.Stomp Down 52. Storybook Ending(NeilH) 53.Swing Time Boogie 54.Take A Look At This 55.Teeth 56.Texas Connection 57.Thank You Very Much 58.Unforgettable(Darren B) 59.Vaiven 60.Vampire City 61.Vancouver Fireworks (Jef & Roy) 62.When You Smile 63.Wintergreen 64.Wiser & Older 65.Witness(Fred & Darren) 66.Woke Up Late 67.Yes I Can 68.You Need To Calm Down(Adrian & Jessica) 69.YNO 70.You're The Hero

紅色字體為更改新增舞名, 7/25/'20公佈最後party 舞單, 有任何 request, 歡迎再告知, 8/15 Party當天預計保留30-40分鐘給各位現場點播, 有興趣的人請自備音樂以防萬一.

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The Party Theme isHAWAIIAN LUAU 

期待已久的 party終於可以舉辦了,日期訂在八月十五日, 星期六 12:00 - 17:50,之前公布的舞單大致上還是一樣, 但會有稍微更改, 六月十五日第一次公布, 七月二十五日最後公布新增舞單, 如果要更新舞名或是新增的, 歡迎email : keika110@hotmail.com 告訴我.


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新增舞曲 1. All of Me 2.Blue Sky 3.Boots 4.Colorful 5.Coochie Bang Bang 6.Crystal Touch 7.Electric Church 8.Extraordinary Walts 9.Wintergreen 10.Fir on Fire 11.Genetics 12.Goodbye Cha 13.The Greatest Love of All 14.Hardy 15. Have Fun, Go Mad 16.I Got You 17.Juicy Fruit 18. La Bomba 19.A Little Swing 20.Liverpool Fling 21.Love Never Felt So Good 22. Love on the Rocks 23.Murder My Heart 24.Nobody 25.People Help the Peopple 26.Pieces 27.Poetry in Motion 28.Senorita La-La-La 29.Soul Shake 30.Stomp Down 31.Turning Tables 32.Vaiven 33.Yes I Can 34.YNO 35.You're the Hero.

第9首 FAITHFUL SOUL已於第一次公布, 請更改為 WINTERGREEN, Sorry !

3/28/2020 最後一次公布新增舞曲.


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2018/4/21 12:00~17:00



下載 Social party playlist (4/13更新版)


***中午12點準時開始. (有準備點心, 水果和飲料)

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新增舞曲 (3/23/'18) - 1.Bring Down The Rain 2.Come Alive 3.Coming Unplugge 4.Gypsy In The Night 5.Just Drunk Enough 6.Lost 7.Love Remains 8.Oh Carol ! 9.So Tied Up 10.Tightrope 11.TipToe 12.Turn Away 13.Vaiven 14.You Are The Reason 15.50 Shades In Heaven.

4/15/'18 公佈播放順序.

1.3 Rules 2.Bound To You 3.Dunk It 4.First Thing First 5.It's Up To You 6.Lonely Drum 7.Murder My Heart 8.Nancy Mulligan 9.Sexy Beaches 10.She Used To Be Mine 11.Straight To The Castle 12.Summer Sway 13.Sweet Caroline 14.Take Me To The River 15.Tender Heart 16.That Ceiling Feeling 17.The Queen 18.Trompeta 19.True Believer,20.Vegas Baby.

下次更新新増加的舞名日期 :12/29/'17.

1.Beautiful Wonderful 2.Blue Sky 3.Break Free Cha 4.Burning 5.Dame Mas 6.Don't Cry Anymore 7.Equal Love 8.Feel 9.Here Right Here 10.Lady In Red 11.Lay It Back 12.Lights Down Low 13.Mates Of Soul 14.Meaning Of Life 15.No Sun On Sunday 16.NY Cha 17.Obsessed 18.Part-Time Girlfriend 19.Strip That Down 20.To The Moon & Back.


1.Beautiful In My Eyes 2.Cut Me Down 3.Down 4.Hide and Seek (Niels) 5.Guilty As Hell 6.Hurts Like A Cha Cha 7.I Am Your Man 8.Imagine(Gemma R) 9.The Last Word 10.A Lesson In Love 11.No Stress 12.Old Bones 13.Paris In The Rain 14.Perfect 15.Power Mix 16.Serious Love 17.Still Got The Blues 18.Take Me To The Water 19.Tension 20.You And I (Oli G).

很高興這次的party有那麼多人熱衷地告知自己所喜歡的舞, request超過100首, 然而時間有限,故先以多數人要求的為優先決定,以上60首舞將近四個小時, 因為距離4/21尚有三個多月, 在這段期間內有幾個workshop, 預估會有些新舞, 所以預留一個小時, 各位參加的人如果有喜歡的新舞可以隨時告訴我以便加入播放單內,否則會將其它40幾首requests中遞補一些到播放舞單𥚃,下次公佈新增舞曲為3/23/'18.



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Theme : Wild Wild West !

***已經額滿,請見諒 !

Social playlist 提前於12/22/2017 (星期五)先公佈目前多數人要求的舞名, 之後每隔一星期更新新增的舞名, 請繼續告知所想跳的舞名, 謝謝各位. 

我們將於2018年4月21日, 星期六 12:00-17:00舉行Social Party, 歡迎有興趣的朋友參加並告知所想要跳的舞名, 由於場地關係名額有限, 在此鼓勵參加者依據主題打扮. 

舞名請email : keika110@hotmail.com, 2018年2月28曰截止, 任何level,新舊皆可.

We will have a social party on April, 21st, 2018,Saturday, from 12:00 to 17:00, all levels are welcome, please send your requests to keika110@hotmail.com,will update every week, last announcement is on Feburary 28th.

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WOW workshop 9/02/'16 (星期五), 9:00AM開始上課, 8:50AM領取上課資料, 若有其他問題請和主辨人 Judy Chen 聯絡 0930-640-403. 為了防止上課木地板受到磨損,請所有參加者進入教室後才更換舞鞋, 勿穿鞋跟有釘子的鞋, 謝謝配合.

***新增加訊息*** (7/15/'16)

9/02 (Fri.) Party Play List

9/03 (Sat.) Party Play List

9/04 (Sun.) Workshop 結束後將和3位老師一起前往 Sheraton Hotel聚餐.

WOW 2016 將於9月2日到4日在台北舉辦, 邀請由Roy Verdonk 帶領 Roy Hadisubroto, Jose Miguel Belloque Vane 來台, 他們3位老師都曾經是UCWDCWCDF冠軍者和指定比賽舞的編舞者, Dangerously,Don't Make Me Suffer, Love Never Felt So Good, My Father's Son, People Help the People, Twist Twist Twist ...等皆為3位所編的少數代表舞.

Roy Verdon 簡介 : Biography


Registration Form : 報名表

***WOW 2016 新增訊息 (4/10/'16)

Workshop Venue :


For Santos Hotel reservation, please contact : Dani Chuu

Email:reservation@santoshotel.com  Tel.: +886-2-2596-3121 (#3107)

Address:(103)No.49, Sec.3, Cheng De Rd., Taipei, Taiwan

Mention "WOW 2016" for special room rate, space is limited please make your reservation ASAP.

旅館:三德大飯店, 台北市承德路3段49號, 電話:(02)2596-3121 (#3107), Dani Chuu, email:reservation@santoshotel.com, 請告知"WOW 2016"團體名稱,優惠價數量有限, 建議儘早預計.

Room rate of Executive Twin is NT$3,300(US$100.00)/per room,per night. If want a extra bed, need charge NT$1200/per room, per night. Rate include tax and 2 breakfast per room.

15樓 "行政房"優惠價:NT$3,300/每晚1間房,含兩份早餐, 如果要額外加1張床則需收費NT$1,200/1晚,房價含稅. (4/10/'16 update)


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8/28/'16, 星期日, 下午 2:00- 6:00, 將舉辦 WOW workshop前的social party, 有興趣參加者可趁此複習 WOW Open Dance裡的舞, 或是任何各位所想要跳的, 請趁早通知我各位的request.

地址 : 天母居民活動中心 (台北市立圖書館天母分館4F), 台北市士林區中山北路七段154巷6號4樓.

交通 : 聯營公車(天母總站) 220, 224, 267, 601, 616, 680, 685, 紅19.

         捷運轉乘(淡水信義線石牌站)轉公車 224, 601, 紅19至天母總站.

Play list :

1.Beast Of Burden,2.Blue Ain't Your Color,3.The Bomp,4.Cake By The Ocean,5.Carry You Home,6.Casa Musica,7.Come Dance With Me,8.Coming Unplugged,9.Corazon Diamante,10.Digital Age,11.Dream Lover,12.East To West,13.Evergreen,14.Fragile,15.Girls Like,16.Far From The Tree,17.Funk N Feel It,18,Handclap,19.Harden Up Princess,20.How You Like It,21.La Pompa,22.I Can't Do This,23.I Know A Guy,24.In The Closet,25.Is It Desire,26.Lay Low,27.A Lesson In Love,28.Make You Move,29.Pieces,30.Roundtable Rival,31.Running Out Of Time,32.Shake That,33.Skinny Love,34.So Just Dance Dance Dance,35.Tuesday Blues,36.Twist Twist Twist,37.Walk Of Shame,38.Whip It,39.Will You Be There For Me,40.Woman Up. (As of 8/16/'16)

1.Cliche Love Song,2.Gold Watch,3.Kiss The Sky,4.Let Me Love You,5.Maybe Tomorrow,6.More Dessert,7.Strip It Dow,8.Turn Away,9.WOW Tokyo,10.Young & Stupid. (As of 8/19/'16)

1.About Feelings,2.Dangerously,3.The Fighter,4.I'm Coming Over,5.My Father's Son,6.Sinner, 7.Sound of Your Heart,8.Stanf By You.(As of 8/23/'16)

1. Superstitious,2.The Wild Life.



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: Play List

8/14/2016, 星期日, 8/28/2016, 星期日, 下午 2:00 - 6:00 social party, 因為9月初 WOW workshop, 所以在這兩次 social 會多跳些 WOW party list裡的舞, 歡迎有興趣參加的人告知任何妳想要跳的舞.

地址 : 天母居民活動中心 (台北市立圖書館天母分館4F), 台北市士林區中山北路七段154巷6號4樓.

交通 : 聯營公車(天母總站) 220, 224, 267, 601, 616, 680, 685, 紅19.

         捷運轉乘(淡水信義線石牌站)轉公車 224, 601, 紅19至天母總站.

Social Play List, 8/14/’16

1.   A Lesson In Love (Dee M, Simon W)

2.   About Feelings (Ria V)

3.   Adrenaline Rush (Maggie G)

4.   Aww Honey (Jannie,Kristen)/My Name’s Andre (Andre A)

5.   Beautiful In My Eyes (Simon W)

6.   Blue Finger Lou (Max P, A. T.)

7.   Burning (Cato L)

8.   Cake By The Ocean (Scott B)

9.   Carry You Home (Fred W)

10. Come And Get It (Darren B)

11. Coming Unplugged (Patrick F)

12. Corazon Diamante (Roy V, Maggie G, Gary)

13. Confident (Amy,Darren)(update 8/02/'16, sorry, 忘了排上去)

14. Dangerously (Roy V, Jose M)

15. Darling Hold My Hand (Julie H, Neville F)

16. Despacito (J-P M)

17. Digital Age (Daniel T, Jose M, Roy V)

18. Don’t Make Me Suffer (Jose M, Roy V, Sebastiaan H)

19. Don’t You Remember (Dee M)

20. Extreme Love (Neils P)

21. Far From The Tree (Paul J, Jannie)

22. Feel Good (Shane M)

23. Feel The Light (Roy H, Fiona)

24. Fine By Me (Fred W)

25. Fragile (Guyton, Fred, J-P)

26. Funk N Feel It (Rachael W, Arjay)

27. Girls Like (Julie H, Neville F)

28. Girl Power (Debbie R, Jose M, Simon W)

29. Goodbye Cha (Julie H, Neville F)

30. Handclap (Bracken, Brandon)

31. Harden Up Princess (Simon W)

32. I Can’t Do This (Darren B)

33. I Know A Guy (Simon W)

34. I’m Coming Over (Roy H, Fiona)

35. In The Closet (Linda M, Roy H)

36. Just Let Me (Maggie G)

37. Keep Out The Kitchen (Joey W)/Get Out The Kitchen (Joey W) 

38. Let Me Love You (MIL)

39. Linger (Julie, Neville)

40. Make You Move (Scott B)

41. More Dessert (Guyton M, Klara)

42. My Father’s Son (Roy H, Roy V)

43. No Mercy (Roy V, Darren B)

44. Oops (Jose,Roy,Daniel)

45. Part Of The List (Malene J, Rachael W)

46. Pieces (Dustin B)

47. Razor Sharp (Stephen S)

48. Running Out Of Time (Julie, Neville)

49. Scarlet Devil (John R, Junior)

50. Shake That (Madisson G) 

51. Skinny Love (Roy H, Raymond S)

52. Sound Of Your Heart (Ria V)

53. Stand By You (Maggie G)

54. State Lines (Paul J, David)

55. Throwback (JoseM)

56. Trespassing (Fred W, Darren B)

57. Turn Away (Paul J, David)

58. Walk of Shame (Niels P,Simon W)

59. Walking On Air (Simon, Any G)

60. Wicked Echoes (Debbie R)

61. Will You Be There For Me (Roy V, Daniel T)

62. Woman Up (Rachael, Any C)

63. Young & Stupid (Fred W, Jose M)




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Sorry , 6月26日星期日的soail party 取消, 抱歉哦 ! 下次 Social 是7月31日, 星期日下午2:00-6:00, 中山北路七段154巷6號4樓, 天母居民活動中心.

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Our next social will be on May 22nd, 2016, Sunday, 2:00PM-6:00PM.

下次social party將於2016年5月22日,星期日下午 2:00-6:00舉辦,有意參加者請儘快告知妳所想要跳的舞名,任何level都可以.

地址:地址 :士林區中山北路七段154巷6號4樓,天母區民活動中心.(天母公車總站下車)

Playlist:Beast of Burden(royV), Blue Sky(nielsP),Burning(catoL),Digital Age(daniel,jose,royV),Don't Make Me Suffer(jose,royV,sebas..),Elektrisk(darren,raymondroy),Everything I Do(rachaelW),Feel Good(shaneM),Feel the Light(fiona,royH),How I Want Ya(joey,rachael),I'm Coming Over(fiona,royH),In the Closet(lindaM,royH),A Lesson In Love(dee,simon),Living to Love You(mariaM),Love Never Felt So Good(fiona,royH),Part of the List(malene,rachael),People Help the People(raymond,royH,darren..),Rollercoaster(niels,raymond),Sensacion(darren,roy,raymond),Spiderweb(brenna),Twist Twist Twist(jose,royV).(4/29/'16)

Dancing Kizomba (jose,rebecca..),Gold Watch (shane or KateS).(5/02)

Black & Blue(SimonW),Boys & Girls(RhodaL),Chicago Bonfire(Debbie,Jose,Ria),Fall For You(DebbieM),Girls Like (Neville,Julie),My Love(GuytonM),Murder My Heart(Neville,Julie),One Last Dance(MariaM),Private Dancer(ScottB),Shiver(Debbie,Joey),The Waiting Game(Fred,Joey)What's Cooking(DebbieM),Whispering(JoeyW),Wicked Echos(DebbieM),You're Not The Boss of Me(Niels,Simon). (5/05/'16)

所有Requests的舞未達4個小時, 所以還有45分鐘可讓各位參加的人自己request所想要跳的舞,see you on Sunday.(5/19/'16)

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請注意 : 3/13/'16 Party 提早於中午12:30開始,在北投運動中心5樓舞蹈教室, 北投區石牌路一段39巷100號.

化妝舞會舞曲播放表 : Social Party List - (1/19/'16 updated)

*第24首為 Don't Make Me Suffer,請自行加入, 順序往後加.

**以下幾首舞將會加入當天播放舞單內(2/27/'16 update)

1. Uptown Funk (Rob F.) - CBA Dance of 2015

2. Beautiful In My Eyes (Simon W.) - CBA Dance of the Decade

3. Cake By The Ocean (Scott B.)

4. Go To Work (Joey W.)

5. Hands Of Love (Jeville & Julie)

6. Last Minute (Joey,Rachael)

7. Lover Come Back (Scott B.)


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"THEME" Social Party : 我們將於 2016年3月13曰,星期日, 12:30 - 17:00舉辦化妝舞會, 舞會主題12月公佈. 由於租用場地所限, 為了能給參加者有更寬廣的空間來展現舞姿, 因此只能接受60位參加, 歡迎各位同好參加, 同時在此也鼓勵初學者前來參加, 這次舞會的舞曲包含 Improver 到 Advance level 都有, 麻煩每一個報名參加者在2016年1月15日前告訴我各位所要跳的舞名, 每一位選10首, 新舊皆可, 以便統計決定party list, 此次在這四個半小時的舞會裡, 有三個小時播放party list的舞, 另外1個半小時是現場點播, 期望有多些參加者現場點播喔 ! 這是各位的權利, 請勿放棄 !

THEME : 1920's Gangster & Molls Party !

以下聯結僅供參考 : 1920 gangster molls fancy dress

僅有打扮的人才能參加抽獎, 期盼看到各位傑出的裝扮 !

*已經額滿了, 謝謝各位的支持 !





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WOW 2015, 6/25/'15, 星期四下午的Welcome Party準時一點開始, 請務必準時 !

(地址 : 台北市大安區永康街60號4樓)

6/27/'15, 星期六下午的Social dance 5:45PM - 9:45PM

(地址 : 台北市大安區新生南路2段86號10樓, 大安區公所)

WOW, 6/25/'15,6/27/'15 Revised Tentative Playlist :

6/25/'15 - Playlist (5/22/'15 update in red color)

6/27/'15 - Playlist 

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 The Bomp - step sheet

56 Dances : Ain't No Angel, AK Freak, All Of Me, Blue Finger Lou, Break Free Cha,Breathe Easy, Coca Cola Shake, Coffee Time Samba, Coochie Bang Bang, Doesn't Mean Goodbye, Eternal Secret, Feel, For The First Time, Girl Crush, Goodbye Cha, Hard To Say It, Have Fun Go Mad, Hypnotized,I Hope You Find It, I Scream, Jump On A Ride, Just Be, Just Let It Go, Just Once, Mystery Of You, Ivory Tower, Leave Me, Living To Love You,Mmm Yeah, My Love Forgive Me, Nitty Gritty, No Regrets, One Less, The Other Side, Pull The Trigger, Right To Be Wrong, Rainmaker, Ring My Bell, Ritmo, Rock & Roll King, Rolling Down Under, Scarlet Devil, So Feisty, Sugar Rush, Superbad, Thankful, A Thousand Miles, Tribal Heartbeat, Twinkel, Up, Uptown Funk, Wakey Wakey, Whispering, With These Eyes, Wonder Train, WTF.

謝謝各位下午前來與我們同樂,下次將是 "化妝舞會", 將儘快公佈時間與地點,期待各位再度參加.

P.S. 顧曼娜老師及學生將於 10/24/'15, 星期六, 下午1:00 - 5:00 舉辦Social Party, 有興趣參加的人, 請與她聯絡 : mnku01@yahoo.co.tw


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